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About Our Company

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Western Valley Farmer Producer Company Limited is a registered company under The Companies Act, 2013. It is a company of the farmers, by the farmers and for the farmers.

The company is implementing the various schemes for economic inclusion of small and marginal farmers in agribusiness activities. Our company is pioneer in organising small and marginal farmers as Farmers Interest Groups, Farmers Producers Groups for endowing them with bargaining power and economies of scale. It provides a platform for increased accessibility and cheaper availability of agricultural inputs to small and marginal farmers and in establishing forward and backward linkages in supply chain management. This initiative has triggered mobilization of farmers for aggregation across the state of Maharashtra with ultimate aim of sustainable business model and augmented incomes.

So far, we are expanding and successfully helping the farmers all over grow their product with our best and expert services and solutions. With dedicated and skilled teams of professionals with relevant experience, the company has evolved to be one of the most successful solutions providers in India. Our products and services have been true with respect to all quality and industry standards.

Our Vision:

Promoting Agri-Business by encouraging institutional and private sector investments and linkages to ensure the empowerment of all farmers in the country.

To be a leading Farmer Producer Company with the power to bridge the gap between the rural and urban communities; By making farming a profitable & sustainable business for all our farmers and by providing safe, healthy, affordable - farm produce and value-added products to our consumers.

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Our Mission:

Transforming agriculture more than 1 million small & marginal farmers of Maharashtra before 2025 from means of subsistence to profitable livelihood enterprises through promotion of collectivization, branding and better positioning in the supply or value chain”

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Key Areas of Development:

  • Provide a Knowledge and Business Platform in Integrated Manner to Support and facilitate the Small and Marginal Farmers of the State to Maximize their Earning.

  • Ensure the Hassles free access to Improved Crop Production Technology & various Agri-inputs for Enhancing Productivity of the Crops Grown by small and Marginal Farmers.

  • Reduction in input and Production Cost to increase the Revenue earning of the Farmers.

  • Provide an Integrated Platform to Transform the Farmers into Entrepreneurs for Capitalizing the Market Potentials Directly.

  • Explore the Agri-Processing and Rural Human Capital to Generate Employment Opportunities to Educated / Less Educated Young Boys/Girls in Rural Area which will Address the Social issued related to Migration to Urban Areas.


Our Objective:

To create an umbrella support to members of our company particularly on market, financial linkages, brand development, value adding, agri extension, insurance and leverage & transfer the benefits of the economy of scale.
The simple intention of ensuring a fair return to the farmers and with the quality produces reaching to the end users. Western Valley has a movement, to uplift the farmers and to get them their righteous due.
The primary objective was to provide the best of infrastructure and adequate production and processing facilities to the farmers who could not secure a good produce due to frugality of resource and operations.

Our company aims to make farming profitable and sustainable by;

  1. Assuring the best possible realization for all farm produce under all circumstances, 

  2. Optimal utilization of available resources, as well as reducing overall costs at the farm level and also throughout the value chain,

  3. Effective financial and risk management,

  4. Mentoring the farmers to increase quality and productivity as per global standards using enhanced technology,

  5. Effective Post Harvest Management.

  6. Developing a robust supply chain, which promises traceable, safe, healthy, affordable - farm produce and value-added products, from farm to plate,

  7. Link small farmers to technology as well as to the markets in association with private, corporate or cooperative sector and if necessary, by providing backward and forward linkages.

  8. Building respectable relationships with the environment, employees and all other stakeholders.


Our Product:

  • Fresh Products of Western Valley Farmer Producer Company like vegetables, fruits, milk etc. is planned to reach directly from farm to the consumer, while it is really fresh.

  • Processed food from Western Valley Farmer Producer Company includes Millets, Grains,Pulses,Oil and Oil Seeds, etc. which is graded and processed by farmers at village Level.

  • Ready  to eat products from Western Valley Farmer Producer Company includes the processed foods like flour, rice, pulses, pickles, etc  that can be directly consumed by consumer.



  • Farm Capital Management:  Guiding Farmers to reduce the Production Cost, increase the Produce Cost  to generate the alternate Farm Revenues, Revenue through Allied Activities.

  • Skilling Rural India: Skilling for Low Cost Integrated Farming System, Value Addition, Processing, Cottage Industries, Quality Control, Marketing and other aspects. Contribute to Revenue Optimization.

  • Natural Resource Capital: Guiding the farmers to earn the revenue from renewable natural resource available in the the village catchment area like forest, ponds, lakes etc.

  • Organic Farm: Guiding Farmers to increase area under organic farming to reduce production cost, and poison free agriculture production.

  • Honey Bee Project: we assist the farmers to increase their production with help of Honey bee Project.

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